We will always suggest a hotel with a spa after any flight, you will need it!

I remember when I was a child that flying was a pleasure, although my parents flew on Business class and I did in coach (very unfair but also true that I didn’t even realized the difference)… but those days are gone!!!

Nowadays apart from the fact that you have to be 3 hours prior your flight at the airport, take off your shoes, go through x-rays, open your bags at least twice, can’t bring liquids, can’t even smile at immigration… now the Airlines are also “reconfiguring” the aircrafts.

It sounds nice though, but the truth is that you will need at least a massage to survive the rest of the day. All those pretty words like “brand new slim-line lightweight seats” are no more than less space for your legs and butt!!

The bottom line was recently announced by Ryan Air Chairman, Michael O’Leary, he is working on the legal aspects to have new stylish “standing seats”. You know what? Our trips will include trains as much as possible and we will suggest a hotel with a spa.

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